SAR | News

Greenhouse gas Emission Report & attestation from PwC

Written by Nina Øglænd | Sep 26, 2022 7:53:32 AM

At SAR, we prioritise sustainability in all the choices we make. Our goal is to ensure the best possible use of resources and contribute to a minimal environmental impact, both internally and with our customers and partners.

SAR’s activities to recover and recycle waste involves significant energy consumption especially in the sea logistics between the departments of SAR and electricity at the treatment locations at Risavika, Averøy, Mongstad, Sandnessjøen and Hammerfest.

Today, we are pleased to share with you the latest Climate Emission Report from SAR and attestation from PwC. This report covers emission data connected to Service, Treatment and Logistics activity from SAR in Norway.

Measuring emissions is a key step to managing them. Accurate Greenhouse gas (GHG) reports offer insights and clarity that help identify areas of improvement. Consequently, we can act in a proactive manner to continue to lower our own carbon footprint.

At SAR, we thus view GHG reporting as not only an opportunity for transparency, but also as an opportunity to ensure data-driven decision making towards a more sustainable future.

SAR will continue to monitor and reduce our customers greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3). Our customers can be confident that SAR will operate by an environmentally friendly practice. When we reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases, this will benefit to reduce our customers' greenhouse gas emissions in Scope 3.


Download Climate Emission Report.

Download PwC Attestation Report.