

News from SAR

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6 min read
CapOil - From waste to new product
9 min read
Our journey goes to SAR Mongstad
7 min read
Our journey goes to Florø
8 min read
Our journey goes to Averøy
8 min read
Our journey goes to Kristiansund
2 min read
A proud partner of Viking FK
7 min read
Our journey goes to Sandnessjøen
4 min read
What is hazardous waste?
7 min read
Our journey goes to Hammerfest
1 min read
SAR Norway: Our journey goes to..
2 min read
With wishes of a Merry Christmas

Latest news

2 min read
Summer vacation with the environment in mind: simple tips and tricks

Dear customers, partners, and colleagues, Thank you for playing such an important role in our business. 

Now that...

2 min read
SAR's Environmental Advisors strengthen offshore collaboration

As environmental advisors at SAR, it is a privileged opportunity for us to travel offshore to our customers and...

9 min read
The Journey goes to SAR Tananger - Service Operations and Head Office

With this "travel blog," we aim to showcase SAR’s activities at all our locations along the coast, from Hammerfest in...