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SAR supports Phd on the dilemmas of circular economy

Written by Nina Øglænd | Jul 16, 2021 6:25:16 AM

At SAR, we strive to transform waste into value. That is why we are beyond proud to support and contribute to Einar Bratteng’s PhD-initiative, through the University of Oslo and Berngard lawfirm.      

With a growing political focus on the sustainable development, waste recycling has become increasingly relevant. However, the challenge is to understand the legal restrictions on the utilization of waste for products and raw materials in light of the political goals for waste recycling.

Einar has extensive experience with waste law and has even written a book on the subject! He will, together with SAR and other key Norwegian waste management companies, form an expert group.

Through their collaboration they will identify and explore the legal dilemmas of the circular economy. More specifically, the cases where there are contradictions between the political desire for increased recycling of waste versus regulations for use of waste as both raw material and as a product.

Read more: Ny doktorgrad skal styrke sirkulærøkonomi innen avfall

We cannot wait to get started, and even more so, we cannot wait to learn from - and share our own experiences with the group on how to best turn waste into value.

Representing SAR in this project is our Director of Sustainability – Karen Aanestad, who is also a board member at the Norwegian Association of Hazardous Waste (NFFA) and the head of our sustainability initiatives at SAR.

Read more: SAR Sustainability 


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