We are happy to share that Jasmine Bigelow started her master's thesis with us in SAR at the end of January 2023. Jasmine already has a bachelor's degree in energy economics from Western Washington University in the USA and is now taking a master's degree in Energy, environment and society at the University of Stavanger. 

Masteroppgave 1

Jasmine Bigelow 

Jasmine will research and write about indirect carbon emissions (Scope 3)* from SAR's waste management activity. We look forward to seeing the results of this collaboration and look forward to many exciting discussions and discoveries by Jasmine.


Masteroppgave 2Jasmine Bigelow and supervisor Rouven Uzelmaier, Business Developer ESG & Energy Management at SAR

Greener with collaboration

Collaboration between UiS as an external actor (stakeholder) is a fantastic opportunity for knowledge sharing and development of future ideas between industry and academia.

Research on carbon emissions is an important topic for SAR.  The research-based approach to carbon emissions also aims to ensure the correct choice of method based on relevant research literature.

“The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 3 standard allows businesses to make great strides in climate and sustainable development.  
Working with something as essential as Scope 3 with SAR will equip me with the skills and resources that I need to gain critical knowledge of the green shift from a business perspective, greenhouse gas accounting, and the circular economy. Thank you SAR and I look forward to this exciting and meaningful project!" - Jasmine Bigelow


*Scope 3 is indirect emissions that occur in the reporting company’s value chain that are not included in scope 1 or 2 


You can find more information about our climate emissions report here. 


Sekundærbilde Frank-1


Gro Lende

Written by Gro Lende

Hi there, I am Gro, and I am tender- and marketing coordinator at SAR Gruppen AS. Got any questions or thoughts on our recent news, our products or services? Get in touch!

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