Nina Øglænd

Nina Øglænd

Hi there, I am Nina, and I am Commercial Director at SAR Gruppen AS. Got any questions or thoughts on our recent news, our products or services? Get in touch!

Recent posts by Nina Øglænd

2 min read


By Nina Øglænd on 08.mar.2022 08:31:00

Gratulerer med dagen og den videre kampen for mangfold, rettferdighet og inkludering!

I SAR står mangfold, rettferdighet og inkludering høyt, og vi er glade for at vi nå har blitt en del av ODA og MAK sitt «CEO Commitment» program. Hvor vi ved å signere lederløfte anerkjenner at kjønn, etnisk og flerkulturelt mangfold og inkludering krever løsninger på alle nivåer i organisasjonen (internt) og i verdikjeden (eksternt). Dette involverer også en forpliktelse til noen klare, kvantifiserbare og tidsbestemte mål som vi rapporterer fremdrift på.

I år har vi nådd to viktige milepæler:

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2 min read

The vital aspect of oil spill preparedness

By Nina Øglænd on 28.jan.2022 08:49:00

SAR and NOFO have always had a solid co-operation and recently signed an exclusive long-term agreement. NOFO needed a supplier for the operative part of waste management of oil spill preparedness and have trusted SAR with this responsibility. We are proud to fill that role and advise NOFO on best practices for all processes for oil spill preparedness and in the event of a crisis.

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1 min read

Circular Monday beats Black Friday by a lightyear

By Nina Øglænd on 22.nov.2021 08:56:00

We support and celebrate, #CircularMonday on November 22 where the objective; promoting recycling and resource utilisation of spillage and waste material, is right in line with SAR mission. The movement is a sustainable counter to Black Friday, which further consumption and expenditure.

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2 min read

Spennende tider i energibransjen, med samarbeid på veien mot bærekraft i sentrum

By Nina Øglænd on 04.nov.2021 08:58:00


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3 min read

SAR environmental advisor to lecture in the first officially approved education in hazardous waste

By Nina Øglænd on 05.okt.2021 09:00:00

We are incredibly proud to share that Carina, one of our environmental advisors, will be a lecturer on the topic of chemistry at the first ever officially approved education in hazardous waste.

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6 min read

20 years in SAR as a driving force for sustainability

By Nina Øglænd on 28.sep.2021 08:23:00

Thank you Karen for all your efforts, for challenging and driving us forward, while at the same time ensuring safety at all levels. We are incredibly happy to have you on the team!

- Tor Olav Schibevaag, CEO

Topics: Mennesker Jubileum nyheter
3 min read

International Coastal Cleanup Day 2021

By Nina Øglænd on 18.sep.2021 09:14:00

Today we celebrate the International Coastal Cleanup Day and encourages companies and people to contribute and spread awareness about preserving and protecting the world’s oceans and waterways.

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2 min read

An inspiration for all environmental initiatives towards a healthier planet!

By Nina Øglænd on 16.sep.2021 09:16:00

Today we celebrate the UN’s International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone layer. A commemoration of the 1987 signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone layer.

And what a joy it is to see what a great impact this initiative has had!

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3 min read

A big welcome to our new Trainees!

By Nina Øglænd on 13.sep.2021 09:19:00

It is our firm belief that human resources is the key to reach our goal of a more sustainable future and we are proud and grateful when we welcome this years’ 2 new Trainees.  

Topics: Mennesker nyheter
3 min read

Vi tar ballen og gjør avfall til "gull"

By Nina Øglænd on 07.sep.2021 09:28:00

Veldig kjekt å få besøk av selveste regjeringen og å se at det er så stort fokus på bærekraft i valgkampen. Ingenting kunne passet oss bedre og vi tar ballen! Vi fortsetter vårt kontinuerlige arbeid med å gjøre alt avfall om til ressurser med fokus på reduksjon,  gjenbruk og å gjøre avfall om til produkt slik at vi som samfunn sammen kan oppnå målet om nullutslipp innen 2050. 

Topics: News nyheter

Siste nyheter

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New Long-Term Contract with Aker BP

SAR has signed a five-year contract with Aker BP for the reception and treatment of drilling waste. The contract runs...

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Take Control of Hazardous Waste – Gain the Knowledge You Need in 2025!

The 2025 course calendar is here, and we invite you to join SAR's popular courses on hazardous waste management and...

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20 Years of Sustainability and Leadership: Thank You, Karen!"

After more than 20 years at SAR, we thank our Director of HSEQ & Sustainability, Karen Aanestad, for her...