Gro Lende

Gro Lende

Hi there, I am Gro, and I am tender- and marketing coordinator at SAR Gruppen AS. Got any questions or thoughts on our recent news, our products or services? Get in touch!

Recent posts by Gro Lende

2 min read

Seasonal greetings and a Merry Christmas from SAR

By Gro Lende on Dec 21, 2023 10:55:35 AM

This is the time for reflection, consideration and care.

From all of us in SAR, along the whole of Norway´s west coast, we wish you a very Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a Happy New Year🎄


9 min read

Our journey goes to SAR Mongstad

By Gro Lende on Dec 20, 2023 8:30:00 AM


Topics: People Journey goes to..
2 min read

Super vacuum cleaner, vacuum truck, suction truck, sludge vacuum - A rose by any other name would smell as sweet!

By Gro Lende on Nov 28, 2023 9:08:07 AM

The "super" car with all the different names can carry out a range of varied tasks as it is equipped with great powers and many different and flexible functions. Most of tasks consist of adding or removing masses. In other words, masses can be sucked away or blown into place. The super suction is most sought after in connection with moving dry masses such as soil, stone, gravel/shingle, but also various liquids.

Topics: News
3 min read

Hazardous Waste Conference 2023: SAR paves the way for data sharing for a greener future!

By Gro Lende on Nov 15, 2023 10:35:45 AM


Topics: News Sustainability
7 min read

Our journey goes to Florø

By Gro Lende on Oct 25, 2023 10:03:00 AM

We want to use this series of articles to showcase the branches of SAR along the coast, from Hammerfest in the north, to Stavanger in the south. Throughout our series, we will introduce the distinctive features of the various branches and how effective cooperation assists our customers turning waste into value. Here comes article number 5 in this series.

Topics: Journey goes to..
8 min read

Our journey goes to Averøy

By Gro Lende on Sep 12, 2023 11:52:00 AM

We want to use this series of articles to present SAR's departments along the coast, from Hammerfest in the north to Stavanger in the south. Through our series, you will get to know our local departments and see how effective collaboration helps our customers create value from their waste. This is article number 4 in this series.

Topics: Journey goes to..
3 min read

Sommer, sol, kvalitetstid og grønne verdier!

By Gro Lende on Jul 3, 2023 8:30:00 AM

Nok en gang står sommerferien for tur for de aller fleste av oss. Den inntreffer like plutselig og kjærkomment som alltid. Vi ser frem mot noen «bonusdager» der vi kan gi hodet og kroppen en velfortjent pause fra hektiske hverdagsaktiviteter og arbeidsliv. Vi gjør oss ferieklare til dager uten de faste rammene, men tar allikevel med oss de gode «grønne rutinene» for å ta vare på miljøet, uansett hvor i verden sommeren måtte tilbringes. Det handler om å komme tilbake uthvilt, ha omsorg for hverandre, bygge positive opplevelser og gode minner. Alt med visshet om at man har tatt ansvar også i ferietiden for å sikre en bærekraftig fremtid.

Topics: News
8 min read

Our journey goes to Kristiansund

By Gro Lende on Jun 29, 2023 11:00:09 AM

Our goal with this series of articles is to introduce SAR's departments, spanning from Hammerfest in the north to Stavanger in the south.  Throughout our series, we will tell what characterizes the various departments, and how the good cooperation between our departments helps our customers create value from their waste. Here comes article no. 3 in this series! We have now traveled over half the length of the country, all the way south to Kristiansund.

Topics: News Journey goes to..
3 min read

SAR takes important steps and reduce the environmental impact at sea

By Gro Lende on Jun 6, 2023 10:44:10 AM

In relation to the 5-year classification of the offshore supply vessel "Amalie," SAR, in partnership with Soltin Marine, recently conducted a significant upgrade. This upgrade involved the installation of a new main engine, a new exhaust gas cleaning system, and a new ballast water treatment system by SAR.

Topics: News Sustainability
2 min read

A proud partner of Viking FK

By Gro Lende on May 31, 2023 9:10:26 AM

At SAR, we are proud of the continuation of our longstanding partnership with Viking Football Club for the 2023-2024 season.

Topics: News

Latest news

3 min read
Merry Christmas from all of us at SAR – together, we are stronger

This is the time for reflection, consideration and care.

From all of us in SAR, along the whole of Norway´s west coast,...

2 min read
USS Harry S. Truman in the Oslo Fjord: SAR handled waste from the giant ship

The 333-meter-long behemoth USS Harry S. Truman has been highly visible in the Oslo Fjord.

When USS Harry S. Truman...

2 min read
SAR at the Hazardous Waste Conference: Driving Innovation Together
The most important autumn meeting place for hazardous waste is back as always! SAR is participating with full...