4 min read

Apprenticeship, trainee position, master's thesis - springboard to an exciting career!

By Gro Lende on Apr 23, 2024 2:00:00 PM

At SAR, we are not just passive bystanders; we are active hunters of young talents through exciting learning programs, trainee positions, and close collaboration with colleges and universities. We understand that to secure the best and most future-oriented workforce, we must be where the young talents are. We convey our vision and values ​​related to environment and sustainability in practice through our learning programs. This makes us an attractive workplace for those seeking a meaningful profession with a positive impact on our environment.

Topics: News
1 min read

SAR played a crucial role in promoting sustainability on National Science Day

By Gro Lende on Apr 10, 2024 10:47:48 AM

November 10th was dedicated to celebrating science and research through lectures and presentations in chemistry, biosciences, and environmental engineering at UIS. The event highlighted the significance of close collaboration between the university and the local industry. SAR's Andreas Bakke received much praise for sharing his expertise excellently in environmental technology within the waste- and recycling sector.

Topics: News
1 min read

SAR thanks for valuable feedback in our 2023 customer satisfaction survey

By Gro Lende on Jan 31, 2024 12:13:21 PM

Our annual survey is crucial for SAR to enhance our products and services in a way that meets our customers' needs, ensuring a positive experience in all interactions with us. The feedback helps us stay on course and, most importantly, correct and adjust where necessary. 

Topics: News People
2 min read

Boost your insights within hazardous waste and sustainability!

By Gro Lende on Jan 15, 2024 8:43:40 AM

Check out our course calendar for 2024 and sign up for SAR's course in hazardous waste management! Our courses are very relevant to everyone involved in waste management and electronic declaration. This year we provide classroom courses on our premises, in facilities designed for well-being and learning. Additionally, we have courses held digitally through Teams, to accommodate the needs of offshore staff, or other participants who prefer this.

Topics: News Waste Management
1 min read

Notice of national increased fee for General Waste Incineration in Norway

By Gro Lende on Jan 4, 2024 9:21:39 AM


From January 1, 2024, there has been a significant increase in the incineration fee for waste intended for incineration.
Topics: News
2 min read

Super vacuum cleaner, vacuum truck, suction truck, sludge vacuum - A rose by any other name would smell as sweet!

By Gro Lende on Nov 28, 2023 9:08:07 AM

The "super" car with all the different names can carry out a range of varied tasks as it is equipped with great powers and many different and flexible functions. Most of tasks consist of adding or removing masses. In other words, masses can be sucked away or blown into place. The super suction is most sought after in connection with moving dry masses such as soil, stone, gravel/shingle, but also various liquids.

Topics: News
3 min read

Hazardous Waste Conference 2023: SAR paves the way for data sharing for a greener future!

By Gro Lende on Nov 15, 2023 10:35:45 AM


Topics: News Sustainability
3 min read

Sommer, sol, kvalitetstid og grønne verdier!

By Gro Lende on Jul 3, 2023 8:30:00 AM

Nok en gang står sommerferien for tur for de aller fleste av oss. Den inntreffer like plutselig og kjærkomment som alltid. Vi ser frem mot noen «bonusdager» der vi kan gi hodet og kroppen en velfortjent pause fra hektiske hverdagsaktiviteter og arbeidsliv. Vi gjør oss ferieklare til dager uten de faste rammene, men tar allikevel med oss de gode «grønne rutinene» for å ta vare på miljøet, uansett hvor i verden sommeren måtte tilbringes. Det handler om å komme tilbake uthvilt, ha omsorg for hverandre, bygge positive opplevelser og gode minner. Alt med visshet om at man har tatt ansvar også i ferietiden for å sikre en bærekraftig fremtid.

Topics: News
8 min read

Our journey goes to Kristiansund

By Gro Lende on Jun 29, 2023 11:00:09 AM

Our goal with this series of articles is to introduce SAR's departments, spanning from Hammerfest in the north to Stavanger in the south.  Throughout our series, we will tell what characterizes the various departments, and how the good cooperation between our departments helps our customers create value from their waste. Here comes article no. 3 in this series! We have now traveled over half the length of the country, all the way south to Kristiansund.

Topics: News Journey goes to..
3 min read

SAR takes important steps and reduce the environmental impact at sea

By Gro Lende on Jun 6, 2023 10:44:10 AM

In relation to the 5-year classification of the offshore supply vessel "Amalie," SAR, in partnership with Soltin Marine, recently conducted a significant upgrade. This upgrade involved the installation of a new main engine, a new exhaust gas cleaning system, and a new ballast water treatment system by SAR.

Topics: News Sustainability

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Summer vacation with the environment in mind: simple tips and tricks

Dear customers, partners, and colleagues, Thank you for playing such an important role in our business. 

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